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The New Rules for Disclosure: The Who, What, When, Why, Where & How
1 TBLS-Bankruptcy
1 TBLS-Civil Trial Law
1 TBLS-Criminal Law
1 TBLS-Family Law
1 TBLS-Personal Injury
Cindy Tisdale will provide a very informative and educational presentation of the new rules for disclosure. This is a hot topic and is a very beneficial CLE for any area of law dealing with discovery and the new rules for disclosure. The presentation also includes a discussion of the new rules for pretrial disclosure. The presentation includes a very well written paper by Cindy Tisdale, which outlines the new rules and provides several useful forms and templates.
This seminar has been approved by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for certification and recertification continuing legal education. APPROVESPECIALTY 1.00 Bankruptcy Law 1.00 Civil Trial Law 1.00 Criminal Law 1.00 Family Law 1.00 Personal Injury Trial Law
1 TBLS-Bankruptcy
1 TBLS-Civil Trial Law
1 TBLS-Criminal Law
1 TBLS-Family Law
1 TBLS-Personal Injury
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